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Gabions are rectangular boxes which are formed by the penels of "Double twisted hexagonal mesh" which are framed by thicker Selvedge wires, End panels and internal diaphragms at 1m or 3 feet are then wired to the base of the gabions. Gabions were filled with stones at the project site, connected with other similiar units to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures such as retaining walls, sea walls, channel linings, revetments, and weirs for erosion control projects.

Steel Stake

Steel Stake are widely used for supporting the various fences, like silt fence, safty fence, welded fence etc. We have different types of steel stakes, like T-post, Y-post, L-post, U post etc.

Wire Backed Silt Fence

SILT FENCE is a temporary sediment barrier made of woven, synthetic filtration fabrics supported by steel or wood posts. It prevent the loss of silts from a site during rain, or other run-off events. Wire Backed silt fence will effectively protect storm water drainage systems from fouling with silt, and will protect you from environmetal liability due to silt leaving your project site.

Safety Fence

Safety Fencing is made of a High Density Polyethylene, it is Bright orange, light weight, reusable mesh. Used for temporary enclosures at construction sites, industrial facilities, recreation areas, crowd and traffic control and delineation fencing.

Sod Staple

Steel Sod staples are used to hold sod, ground cloth, landscape fabrics, and plastic vapor barriers in place. We have 8 - 12gauge and up to 12gauge in length. The head can be round or square in 1" or 2" wide.

Fabric Pin

Fabric pin is a nail with flat metal cap. It used for holding the geotextile like ground cover or silt fence. The length is 6" to 8" The metal cap diameter is about 1" coating: galvanized.
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